Interpreting Resources
Street Leverage
"At StreetLeverage, we are committed to the belief that it is often the most obvious and important realities that are the hardest to see and talk about. To that end, we endeavor to spotlight interpreters and industry stakeholders who courageously share their ideas and perspectives in an effort to rethink the way we understand, practice, and tell the story of the sign language interpreter. We hope you will join the discussion by commenting on a post, submitting an article, and attending a StreetLeverage – Live event." |
ASL Resources
Manitoba School for the Deaf (MSD)
The Manitoba School for the Deaf (MSD) is located in the northwest corner of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. MSD is a Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12 school offering both bilingual-bicultural and bilingual-bimodal programming. American Sign Language (ASL) and written and spoken English are used and valued in the school. For a great ASL resouce, click here to view MSD's YouTube Channel. |
Provincial Orginizations
Deaf Centre Manitoba (DCM)
Deaf Centre Manitoba (DCM), Inc. is a non-profit Charitable organization which recognizes the value of Deaf Culture and American Sign Language. The purpose of the organization is to coordinate and/or provide resources, and programs that enhance the development of the Deaf community. |
Manitoba Cultural Society of the Deaf - Deaf Arts Manitoba (MCSD-DAM)
MCSD-DAM’s mission is to identify and promote innovation initiatives and projects that focus on the contribution of the arts, heritage, and culture and to facilitate inclusive and diverse environments. |
Manitoba Deaf Sports Association (MDSA)
The mission of MDSA is to encourage participation in sports to strengthen, promote and instill values of cultural association by providing sporting opportunities to members of Deaf/Hard of Hearing communities. |
Manitoba Deaf Association (MDA)
MDA is a non-profit orgnization that promotes and develops social, political, educational, cultural, recreational and sports activities for Deaf persons of the Province of Manitoba. MDA assists affiliated orginizations of the Deaf in this regard. MDA works to educate the public concerning the challenges, abilities and needs of Deaf persons, and works with authorities and government bodies to obtain rights and privileges for Deaf Manitobans. MDA acts as the Manitoba representative for all matters relating to the national Deaf organization in Canada. |
National Orginizations
Canadian Association of Sign Language Interpreters (CASLI)
The Canadian Association of Sign Language Interpreters is a non-profit, professional association for interpreters whose working languages include a sign language. CASLI was established in 1979 and has several Affiliate Chapters across the country. CASLI is the only certifying body for ASL-English interpreters in Canada through the means of the Canadian Evaluation System. Among a variety of services, CASLI offers a Professional Conduct Review Process to maintain quality and accountability to the field of interpreting. CASLI's Code of Ethics and Guidelines for Professional Conduct: English / French |
Canadian Association of the Deaf – Association des Sourds du Canada (CAD-ASC)
The Canadian Association of the Deaf – Association des Sourds du Canada (CAD-ASC) is the oldest national consumer organization of, by and for Deaf individuals in Canada for having its interests represented at national level. The CAD-ASC provides consultation and information on Deaf needs and interests to the public, business, media, educators, governments and others. CAD-ASC conducts research and collects data, issues reports, and provides expertise regarding Deaf concerns and rights. They also develop and implement pilot programs and “best practices.” They offer assistance to Deaf organizations and service agencies across the country, and also provide a major library and resource centre on deafness at their office in Ottawa, Ontario. |
International Orginizations
World Association of Sign Language Interpreters
The aim of WASLI is to advance the profession of sign language interpreting worldwide. WASLI encourages the establishment of national associations of sign language interpreters in countries that do not have them, and support networks for existing national associations of sign language interpreters. WASLI supports the work of sign language interpreters working at international events, e.g. conferences, sporting events, and hosts their own conferences and seminars. and encourages research in the field of interpreting. WASLI works in partnership with Deaf and Deafblind associations on sign language interpreting issues. WASLI liaises with spoken language interpreter organisations and other organisations having common interests |
World Federation of the Deaf (WFD)
The WFD's vision is human rights for deaf people including recognition of sign language in all aspects of life. The WFD works for the realisation of deaf people’s human rights in partnership with the United Nations and its agencies, national organisations of deaf people, and relevant stakeholders. |